How to play Soundoku:


The Soundoku game is based on the well-known Asian game Sudoku, but Soundoku works with sounds instead of visual numbers. You can choose between musical scales or spoken numbers.

Soundoku is identical with any other 9 by 9 square Sudoku game. There are 3 easy rules to follow:


1. Every row of 9 numbers must include all numbers 1 through 9 in any order

2. Every column of 9 numbers must include all numbers 1 through 9 in any order

3. Every 3 by 3 subsection of the 9 by 9 square must include all numbers 1 through 9


To start a game you press one of the four buttons on the left choosing an easy, medium, hard or very hard level. Pressing one of the buttons results in some of the squares in the matrix being filled with notes representing a tone or a number. When clicking the mouse on these notes a tone is heard. While playing the game you can always change between notes represented as scaletones or numbers.


In the empty squares you must insert your own notes. This is done by clicking the mouse on the square and pressing one of the numbers 1 through 9 on the keyboard. The notes inserted by you is shown in red, and while playing the game you can always change any of these numbers.


If you get stuck in a game you can press the hint button in the lower right corner. Red cicles around some of the squares will give you suggestions of what to look for in the game.


In the lower left corner of the screen visually impaired can choose to switch on the matrix orientation sound. The rows in the matrix are numbered 1 to 9 and the colums are numbered A to I. When choosing the matrix orientation sound a female voice will constantly tell where in the matrix you are.


If you can solve the soundoku game a fanfare is heard and a congratulations sign is seen.


Good luck.